Friday, December 14, 2012

Methamphetamine Horrors

Crystal meth is a psychoactive drug that has sparked an epidemic over the last few decades, especially in rural areas where meth labs can easily be set up and operated without notice. Meth is made using relatively inexpensive and easy-to-find chemicals such as phosphorus from match heads, pseudoephedrine found in common over-the-counter cold medications, and ammonia from fertilizers. Labs can be set up in one’s garage, basement, or trailer with little to no experience, and anyone with basic instructions can illicitly manufacture methamphetamine. It is both inexpensive to produce and cheap to purchase, making it the drug of choice for many addicts.
It is very easy to become addicted to meth due to the drug’s positive psychological effects of euphoria and increased alertness and energy. Users will often take it for days on end with little to no food or sleep. Crystal meth addicts can become so engulfed by their drug addiction that it takes over their lives and can have extremely adverse physical and psychological effects. Physical self-destruction can occur quite rapidly with meth addicts, and examples are most notably depicted in the Faces of Meth campaign. Faces of Meth was designed to deter people from using meth by showing mug shots of individuals who had been arrested twice or more for violations involving methamphetamine. These photographs can be horrifying as they show the physical deterioration that occurs with drug abuse in those who are addicted to methamphetamine.
One of the side effects of drug addiction to meth is a loss of appetite, which is apparent in these mug shots. Upon their initial arrest, these people appear normal and healthy, but as their addiction progresses, their faces become gaunt with hollow cheeks due to undernourishment. Because they do not eat, their body begins to consume muscle tissue and healthy fat, leaving them looking frail and older than their actual age. Acne is also common among meth addicts due to lack of proper hygiene from being under the influence of the drug for extended periods of time. In addition, addicts also frequently pick at their face because of the common sensory hallucination of having bugs crawling underneath their skin. Telltale signs of meth addiction include sores, scabs, and scarring from constant picking.
Another physical effect apparent in people with methamphetamine drug addictions is meth mouth. When a user smokes meth, their mouth becomes extremely dry, the blood vessels in their gums shrink, they crave food and drinks that are high in sugar content, they grind their teeth, and they typically do not practice healthy oral hygiene. All of these symptoms of drug abuse can lead to the rapid deterioration and falling out of teeth. In addition, meth is made up of a combination of extremely caustic chemicals, which can also contribute to dental corrosion. All of these negative physical effects of meth addictionleave users appearing to be much older than they really are, which is shown by the photos that are taken years and sometimes just months apart.
The horrors of methamphetamine are clearly evident in the Faces of Meth, and the campaign, although deemed ineffective by some, intends to prevent people from ever trying the drug in the first place. Because of the drug’s highly addictive qualities, first-time users can easily become hooked and fall into an ugly spiral of drug abuse and addiction. Sometime the best option for these individuals who are so deep into their addiction is to get professional help. Going to drug rehab may be their only way out, and the only path that can save their lives. Drug rehab provides millions of people with a new chance at life and recovery from drug addictions that may otherwise lead to imprisonment or death.
Methamphetamine Horrors
Methamphetamine Horrors

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