Monday, March 25, 2013

Alcohol Now 3rd Leading Cause Of Death

Sixty-six percent of the total population in the United States consumes alcohol on a regular basis. It is not hard to believe, then, that alcohol is statistically shown as the 3rd preventable cause of death in the U.S.. Alcoholism is a serious and understated matter that is affecting more and more people each day. Treatment centers like Ambrosia Treatment Center are located all over America to assist those with an alcohol addiction, or an addiction of any sort. By taking a closer look at alcoholism and what causes it, perhaps we can gain an understanding about how to prevent alcohol dependence and unnecessary deaths because of it.

There are many possible causes linked to alcoholism. Chemical dependence, or addiction, forms after an extended period of drinking over a long period of time. This over-consumption and abuse of the substance may be directly linked to a person's daily stressors in life. They may use alcohol in excess to hide from their depression or anxiety, social pressures, or family/friend troubles. Also, a person is more susceptible to addiction if they have a family history of alcoholism. A general guideline for the avoidance of drinking in excess limits no more than 15 drinks per week for men and no more than 8 drinks per week for women. Of course, this varies from person to person, but keep these guidelines in mind.

Drug use, namely alcohol, depression, and suicide tend to go together. It has been shown that ninety-six percent of alcoholics who commit suicide are drinking alcohol up to their time of death. About thirty percent of all suicides also feature alcoholism, and seven percent of all alcoholics will commit suicide. One way to prevent this and other causes of death so strongly related to alcohol is recognizing this developmental disease early on, and intervening on behalf of those who may be in danger of developing this potentially fatal disease.

So, there are all sorts of causes, but what do you do if you or a loved one is an alcoholic? Get treatment. As I mentioned above, there are treatment programs all over America that can help with alcohol addiction. Ask for information from an alcohol treatment center and decide how you want to handle your addiction. All we can hope for is to spread the awareness that alcoholism is a chronic illness and brain disease. It has been recently discovered that most cases of alcoholism are established before the addict is even twenty-five years old.

Alcohol treatment, such as the programs at Ambrosia, allow for the alcoholic to undergo detox and rid their bodies of the toxins and carcinogens found in alcohol. After detox, they will proceed to a longer term alcohol drug addiction treatment, which will allow for a deeper examination of the individual's underlying causes of addiction and what they want for their future. Rehab will allow the addict to get their lives back on track. They will be better able to set goals and live a healthy and productive lifestyle – something they may have lost hope for.

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