Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Drug Facts

Drug addiction is a disease that affects millions of people every day. It can have severe impact on their health and well being, and affect multiple aspects of their lives. Drug abuse can tear apart families, cause financial problems and cause people to fall victim to untimely death or incarceration. In recent decades, there has been much research conducted on the reasons for and effects of being addicted to drugs. Having access to this information can help people learn more about the disease and how to recover from their addiction.

Prescription Pills
One of the most common drug problems in the past couple decades has been the addiction to prescription pills. Because they can be legally purchased, they are widely accessible, and people do not always realize how easy it can be to become addicted to a variety of prescription pills. Although they can also be purchased illegally on the street, many people become addicted to prescription painkillers such as Vicodin, Oxycontin and other drugs after they are prescribed the medications from their doctors.
Prescription drugs can be useful for a variety of different conditions. They can be used to treat mental disorders, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, anxiety and other issues. Although prescription drugs are intended for medicinal purposes, they can be highly addictive and detrimental to one's health when used in excess. What may first seem like a helpful way to treat an affliction can easily turn into a full-blown drug addiction if people are not careful with their use of prescription drugs.

Heroin, Crystal Meth & Cocaine
Some of the most abused illicit drugs are heroin, crystal meth and cocaine. Heroin and cocaine are derivatives of different plants, and they have been used to treat various medical conditions over the years. However, in their purest form they are both considered to be highly illegal narcotics. They are extremely addictive, and the possession or distribution of these drugs can easily lead to prison time. In addition, they are both very dangerous, and many people overdose and die from taking too much.

Crystal meth is a manufactured stimulant that is also very addictive. It can be made with ingredients that can be purchased at normal everyday stores, and with a little knowhow, it can be easily manufactured. The use of crystal meth in recent decades has become a nationwide epidemic, and it is often made in makeshift household labs. It is highly popular in rural areas, and drug addicts that use crystal meth can easily spiral into a vicious cycle of self-destruction.

Whether someone is addicted to prescription pills or illicit drugs, they suffer from a disease and become physically and mentally dependent on their substance of choice. When people develop severe drug addictions, the drug becomes the most important thing in their life and they often fail to deal with normal responsibilities such as school, work, family and their own personal well being. There are many different reasons that people become addicted to drugs. They may suffer from stress, depression or anxiety. They may begin to use them recreationally in moderation and quickly fall into their addiction. Either way, drug abuse is a terrible disease, and people that have drug problems should seek professional treatment to recover from their addictions. 

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