Thursday, January 3, 2013

Discover the Truth about Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people every day. Although most addicts do not realize the consequences of their addiction, their physical and mental dependency can cause serious problems in their life, including financial stress from spending all their money on substances, negativity in relationships with friends and family due to changes in their behavior, and health problems from their frequent use and abuse.

It is estimated that more than 23 million Americans are addicted to drugs and alcohol. There are many different drug recovery and alcohol recovery programs and treatment centers available for those wanting to get clean, but unfortunately most alcoholics and addicts do not receive the treatment or rehab necessary for proper recovery. Many do not have enough money to go to drug addiction recovery or alcohol addiction recovery, since it can be expensive. Others simply refuse to go and continue on with their addiction, living in denial.

Addiction is a disease that affects both the mind and body. When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, their brain becomes preoccupied with using, and they become dependent upon the substance in order to function in normal everyday life. Physical dependencies can develop, and when an addict has reached this level of addiction, they will go into withdrawal if they are not constantly using. Depending on the severity of the addiction and the type of substance being abused, withdrawal symptoms can include depression, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, seizures and even cardiac arrest. At their most severe, withdrawal symptoms can be fatal.

When an addict has reached such high levels of mental and physical dependency, rehab is usually the best option for getting sober. If they are not properly treated by medical professionals during the detox process for severe withdrawal symptoms, they can die. In drug recovery and alcohol recovery, alcoholics and addicts are administered medications to curb these symptoms. After they have detoxed, they will then participate in various assessments, discussions and therapy sessions with treatment professionals in order to learn about how to deal with their addiction and the problems which led them to start using in the first place.

Although professional drug treatment can be costly, there are other options for alcoholics and addicts that want to get sober. Drug rehab insurance is available through certain providers, and it can cover most of if not all of treatment received. Support groups and recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have also proven to be extremely effective in treating addiction. They are free, and they have saved millions of lives over many years. The most important thing in getting clean is a commitment to recovery and the personal desire to stay sober and free from drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is a disease. Although it is not curable, it can be treated. Whether through inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, or support groups, recovery is attainable for those that are willing to admit defeat to their addiction and work through the programs. This can be a difficult thing to do and scary to even think about, but in the long run, it could end up saving your life. Recovery is not a one-time deal. It is a lifelong process, and even though it may seem like the hardest thing in the world at first, it gets easier and better every day. 

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