Sunday, March 10, 2013

Binge Drinking on the Rise with Women

Binge drinking among college students is nothing new. For decades, the act of routinely drinking way too much has been glamorized among both college and high school students. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks in one sitting. However, this amount is at the lower end of the actual number of drinks that college students are consuming when they go out partying. Some students admit to regularly drinking twenty or more alcoholic beverages in a night, putting them at risk for alcohol poisoning and injury, among a host of other problems that are associated with binge drinking.

Recent studies have shown that not only is this trend of heavy drinking not likely to taper off any time soon, women have begun to drink as excessively as their male counterparts. No longer is extreme alcohol abuse something only frat boys participate in, women are also participating in excessive alcohol consumption. This is dangerous for a number of different reasons. Not only do women typically weigh less and not metabolize alcohol as fast as men, they are putting themselves at risk to increased chances of heart disease, breast cancer, sexually-transmitted diseases, sexual assault and unplanned pregnancies by trying to keep up with the boys.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, roughly 1,500 student deaths, 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of sexual assault occur every year at the college level because of excessive alcohol consumption. It is estimated that nearly 50 percent of college students binge drink, participating in pregaming before going out to parties, drinking games, and the need to fit in with the rest of the crowd by drinking way too much. About 1 in 5 girls in high school and college binge drink, and it leads to nearly 23,000 deaths in women age 18 to 34 every year.

In addition to being a particularly dangerous activity to engage in at any age, binge drinking is also often the first step towards developing alcoholism for both men and women. What most young people fail to realize is that drinking excessively increases their tolerance and can lead to developing dependence on alcohol later on down the road. When men and women are dependent on alcohol, they find it hard to function in life without regular drinking. Having a few drinks every now and then is one thing, but drinking everyday and routinely consuming enough to put yourself in the hospital can lead to a long list of mental and physical complications.

Alcoholism is a deadly disease, and recovery is not an easy road. Many alcoholics never get professional treatment for their condition, and many even end up relapsing numerous times after attending rehab. Relapse is not the end, and people that struggle with alcohol addiction should not give up even if they do return to drinking after an extended period of sobriety. But the best prevention against alcoholism and other drug addictions is through educating the youths of America about the dangers of binge drinking, alcohol poisoning and alcohol addiction.

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