Monday, March 4, 2013

What Is Rehabilitation?

Many a person find themselves at a crossroads with addiction. There is lucid window of opportunity that, if taken, a person will find themselves in a place that allows for complete recovery and understanding of their addiction. This place is referred to as rehabilitation.

Addiction is very common today, whether it be an addiction to shoe shopping, video games, junk food, or media. These examples can get expensive and interfere with a person's life and relationships. Well, it is similar with drug addiction. The difference is that drug addiction actually changes the addict's reward system in the brain, whereas with addictions such as shoe shopping, it is more of a personal choice to keep doing it (although it is definitely a hard habit to break!). Many people, even those who have a drug or alcohol addiction, do not realize that they are fighting something that is no longer really even their choice. A person can choose to buy or not to buy pair after pair of leopard printed heels, but a person cannot choose to continue or discontinue drug use after an addiction has set in. 

The way an addictive drug attaches itself to a person's chemical transmitters creates a disruption in a person's natural dopamine distribution. Because of this disturbance, the individual may begin to feel that drug or alcohol abuse is the only way to feel good and happy. However, this is not the case. When a person starts attending drug rehab, they may find that the educational part of rehab is one of the most beneficial things. Through education about one's addiction, a person can begin to understand why they are experiencing such a huge loss of control and feeling so down. 

Although education about a person's drug addiction is beyond helpful, some addicts may find that therapy works the best for them. Through therapy, an addict's drug addiction is addressed in a way that allows for a personal approach. When addiction is addressed in this way, it encourages an addict to open up about the underlying causes of their addiction and why they started abusing drugs in the first place. In a group therapy session, an addict is able to contribute and listen to stories and other insights toward the reasons for drug addiction, how to avoid triggers, and how to successfully live a sober life. In these therapy sessions, one of the most important things that is happening for an addict (and they sometimes don't even realize it) is the creation of a support network. By engaging in discussion and conversation about other people's addictions and how they are dealing with sobriety is very important. It is essential that an addict know that they are not at all alone in their addiction – there are others going through very similar situations.

If you are looking for information about rehabilitation and treatment, don't stop until you find a treatment center that fits you. Drug addiction is hard, and you do not have to face it alone. Explore your options and find the one that treats your entire person, not just your addiction. Don't wait to get the help you need, get treatment today.

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