Thursday, May 2, 2013

Death By Abusing Laxatives: Georgia Willson-Pemberton

Laxative abuse happens when a person tries to rid their bodies of unwanted calories or lose weight through the repeated misuse of laxatives. Many abusers are mistaken in thinking that after binge eating (consuming a lot of food at one time) the laxatives will clear the food and calories through their system before they are absorbed into the body. However, this is a not the case. By the time laxatives act on the large intestine, almost all of the calories and food have been absorbed by the small intestine. All of the supposed weight loss, or what feels like weight loss is actually only water weight, minerals, electrolytes, and indigestible fibers and wastes from the colon. As soon as the abuser drinks any fluids the weight be be gained right back. Usually, the abuser will sense this weight gain and proceed to stop rehydrating, which eventually causes the organs to shut down (dehydration). No matter how the abuser goes about using, if they are using laxatives incorrectly, they will most likely suffer serious and dangerous health complications and life-threatening risks as a consequence.

In recent news, the death of Georgia Willson-Pemberton was ruled death by laxatives as of April 3rd, 2013. At 26 years old, Willson-Pemberton was described as intelligent, beautiful, and the life of the party. She graduated from a European business school in 2008. After graduation, things went downhill. She then started her four year battle with anorexia. It was reported that Willson-Pemberton from West London bought thousands of laxative supplement pills over the internet and spent the four years of struggling with her eating disorder in and out of residential clinics both in America and England. On December 7th of last year, Georgia Willson-Pemberton died due to laxative abuse.

This woman was 5'10”, addicted to Dulcolax, and weighed 104 pounds at her time of death. She was also very intelligent and would keep to herself about her private life, even from her therapists. She went to see a few different therapists, none of whom could identify any triggers of her addiction. She would hide her laxative abuse by taking sodium supplements when she went in for blood tests, the therapists speculated. Two days before her death, Willson-Pemberton overdosed on over 80 laxative pills, which caused irreparable internal damage. Her death was ruled a “multiple organ dysfunction caused by laxative abuse,” as a result from her anorexia nervosa.

Georgia Willson-Pemberton had a loving childhood which is reflected through her achievements. If she could have opened up and gotten help, she would probably still be alive today. Many people do not realize that underlying causes, such as anorexia, can cause very dangerous drug addictions and drug abuse. If you or a loved one are suffering from the abuse of laxatives or any other substance, do not hesitate to get help through rehab and drug addiction treatment. It is important that you treat yourself and your body with respect. Through rehab treatment, you will meet with medical professionals and a therapist who will help you through this time of need. Attending drug rehab will help you to know exactly what you're dealing with and exactly how to deal with it.

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