Thursday, May 16, 2013


Oxycontin is the opioid pain reliever oxycodone in a time released capsule. It is used for short term pain relief by blocking pain messages and causing drowsiness. However, long term use can quickly lead to a chemical dependence and an Oxycontin addiction. A single, very large dose can cause severe respiratory depression followed by death. It is very useful for those with a medical need for this medication, but like many prescription medications, Oxycontin abuse is very common. Using this drug without specific medical guidelines and medical need can lead to some seriously negative consequences. These consequences can turn into drug use that is just as dangerous and illegal as street drugs, like heroin. As of 2006, prescription medication is the number one most prevalent drug problem in America.

Often referred to on the street as Killer, OC, OXY, and Oxycotton, Oxycontin is supposed to be taken every 12 hours because of the time-release function of each tablet. This sets it apart from most medications because pain medications are usually taken every three to six hours. When drug abuse takes place, Oxycontin abusers remove the time-release coating on the pill and receive a rush or relaxing, euphoric high similar to that of heroin. Many of the side effects include constipation, nausea, sedation, dizziness, vomiting, headache, dry mouth, sweating, weakness, and most seriously, respiratory depression.

After taking Oxycontin for an extended period of time, a user can begin to develop a tolerance to the drug. They feel that they must take higher doses of the drug to achieve the desired effect. If they do this, then they will find themselves face-to-face with an addiction to Oxycontin. Fortunately, there are many Oxycontin drug rehab centers located across the nation. Because the abuse of Oxycontin and other prescription medication is so widespread, there have been extensive efforts to work toward freeing people of their physical and psychological dependence on these substances. Many times in Oxycontin rehab, the patient will receive a similar synthetic opioid medication such as Suboxone or Subutex which reduces and diminishes the overall symptoms of their drug addiction. If the individual chooses to attend a holistic drug rehab center, they will find themselves attending many group and individual therapy sessions, as well as taking part in exercise and educational programs. The most effective treatment program has been shown to be a collaboration of both types of rehab to create a dual-acting program that encompasses all of one's needs.

If you or a loved on feel that you are suffering from a drug abuse problem, do not hesitate to get help. There are millions of people out there who are going through exactly what you are going through. You are not alone in your addiction, and through a treatment center like Ambrosia Treatment Center, you will not be alone in your recovery either. It is essential to your health and to your life that you get help with your addiction to Oxycontin. Your life is a life worth saving.

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