Thursday, May 16, 2013

What Is Binge Drinking?

There are many people who are able to drink in moderate and healthy amounts. However, there are also many people who are not. Though in some cases it constitutes an alcohol addiction, this is not always true. There are many people who do not have alcoholism that will participate in negative and dangerous drinking behaviour. One extremely common form of dangerous drinking is binge drinking.

Binge drinking is defined as consuming enough alcoholic beverages in a short period of time to accumulate a BAC of at least .08. This amount, when driving in the United States, becomes illegal, as the drinker is quite impaired in this state. The BAC stands for "blood alcohol content." This means how much alcohol is in the bloodstream? An individual with a BAC measured at .10 has a tenth of one percent of their blood's volume consisting of alcohol. This may not seem like a lot, but it is. To give you an idea, a BAC of less than .50, less than one half of one percent of volume, is considered the lethal dose of alcohol.

Many factors play into the BAC level. Averages that instruct how many drinks would reach a certain BAC are often vague, as there are so many variables. A person's weight can influence the number quite a bit. More weight and more muscle mass are able to better absorb the alcohol consumed. While the average person may be heavier, some people will be affected by less drinks, reaching a high BAC level after only a couple of drinks. Certain individuals simply have a higher or lower tolerance for alcohol than others. Also, the BAC gradually reduces over time. One of the best ways to ensure safety while drinking is to give each drink time before starting another. The time varies per drink, but it is suggested that each drink be equivalent to about an hour of drinking time.

Unfortunately, this guideline is rarely adhered to, as many drinkers are binge drinkers. Whether the individual is an alcoholic, with a disease causing them to be dependent on drinking, or simply has a habit of drinking in a dangerous manner, the situation can cause great harm. Often, people will advocate or encourage others to drink as quickly as possible, insisting that it is cool. In other circumstances, people will try to quickly consume as much alcohol as they can before heading to another establishment or event, possibly one where they can't drink. Often, individuals brag to one another about how many drinks they have consumed in one night, eliciting responses of laughter or admiration, rather than fear or concern. Our culture has a backward view of what is important and what is the healthy way to live. 

Whatever the case, it may be necessary to seek out alcohol treatment. It can be done in a residential treatment setting, or as an outpatient, while living in their own home. Either way, this process can greatly assist the drinker to see the consequences of their actions and avoid great possible dangers in the future. Binge drinking is a very serious occurrence and, if not approached in the correct way, could result in legal trouble, injury, or death. If you or someone you know is having difficulty with binge drinking, please find out more information about alcohol rehab, as it could save a life.

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